Nearby to 9859: San Antonio School (hail and ride) (school stop)

Zone 6 | Stop Timetable

Stop database last updated Sunday February 23

8851Muritai Road at Titoki Street6200m SE
9851Muritai Road (near 247)6200m SE
8850Muritai Road at Makaro Gardens6200m NE
8862Muritai Road near Makaro Street6200m NE
9850Muritai School - Oroua Street6300m NE
8852Muritai Road at Ngaio Street (near 272)6400m S
9852Muritai Road at Ngaio Street (near 275)6400m SE
8849Muritai Road at Eastbourne Village6400m NE
9849Eastbourne Village - Muritai Road6400m NE
8853Muritai Road at Hinau Street (near 314)6600m S
9853Muritai Road at Hinau Street (near 315)6600m S
9848Muritai Road at Houhere Terrace (near 107)6700m NE
9854Muritai Road at Konini Street (near 335)6700m S
8854Muritai Road at Konini Street (near 332)6700m S
8848Muritai Road at Houhere Terrace (near 108)6700m NE
9847Muritai Road at Marine Parade (near 79)6900m NE
8847Muritai Road at Marine Parade (near 5)6900m NE
8855Muritai Road at Kowhai Street (near 378)61000m S
9855Muritai Road at Kowhai Street (near 383)61000m S
8856Muritai Road at Nikau Street (near 416)61000m SW
Bus stop number:

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