Nearby to 8159: Hutt Valley High School (opposite)

Zone 4 | Stop Timetable

Stop database last updated Sunday February 23

9199Hutt Valley High School (school stop)410m SW
9159Hutt Valley High School - Woburn Road420m W
8158Woburn Road at Hutt Recreation Ground4200m SE
9158Woburn Road opposite Hutt Recreation Ground4200m SE
9197Sacred Heart College - Laings Road (school stop)4300m E
8156Sacred Heart College - Hautana Street (school stop)4500m E
8113Queens Drive at Riddiford Gardens4500m NW
9113Queens Drive opposite Riddiford Gardens4500m NW
9114Lower Hutt - Centre City Plaza4600m N
8161Knights Road at Ss Peter and Paul School4600m NE
9130Lower Hutt - Queensgate - Stop C4600m NE
8112Victoria Street (near 64)4600m W
8106Marsden Street at Bridge Street4600m NW
9112Victoria Street at Alicetown Playground4600m W
8115Lower Hutt - Queensgate - Stop B4700m N
9157Ludlam Crescent at Wai-iti Crescent (near 41)4700m SE
8157Ludlam Crescent at Wai-iti Crescent (near 28)4700m SE
9131Knights Road at Cornwall Street4700m NE
9115Lower Hutt - Queensgate - Stop A4800m N
9132Cornwall Street at RSA4800m NE
Bus stop number:

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