Nearby to 3594: Woodman Drive (near 37) (stopping area)

Zone 4 | Stop Timetable

Stop database last updated Friday February 7

3694Woodman Drive (near 24) (stopping area)420m NE
3695Woodman Drive (near 46) (stopping area)4200m SW
3595Woodman Drive (near 55) (stopping area)4200m SW
3592Raroa Terrace (near 41) (stopping area)4200m N
3692Raroa Terrace (near 46a) (stopping area)4300m N
3696Woodman Drive (near 72) (stopping area)4400m SW
3596Woodman Drive (near 93) (stopping area)4400m SW
3691Mahoe Street (near 6) (stopping area)4500m N
3591Mahoe Street (near 3) (stopping area)4500m N
3959Tawa Intermediate School and College (school stop)4700m W
3925Duncan Street opposite Tawa College (school stop)4700m W
3597Woodman Drive (near 131) (stopping area)4700m SW
3697Woodman Drive (opposite 121) (stopping area)4700m SW
3698Woodman Drive (near 142) (stopping area)4700m SW
3690Collins Avenue (near 36) (stopping area)4700m N
3598Woodman Drive (near 145) (stopping area)4700m SW
3927Hinau Street (near 3) (school stop)4700m W
3590Collins Avenue (near 39) (stopping area)4900m NW
3599Greenacres - Woodman Drive at Bing Lucas Drive (stopping area)4900m SW
3699Greenacres - Woodman Drive at Bing Lucas Drive (stopping area)4900m SW
Bus stop number:

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